Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hello!!!Girls It's Summer Time , It's Fun Time !!!!!!!!!

Don't Tell me you are still sitting at home and waiting for sun to go down ??? Oh Come on girls Go Out and have fun Because i'am here to help you with easy home remedies to remove skin tan :-)

Measures To Remove SkinTan:

Applying yoghurt daily after long sun exposure will help in reducing daily tan from your body. It provides cooling effect and reduces any redness and tightens the skin pores.Massage the yoghurt on the effected areas and after 10-15 minutes wash away with warm water.
You can also mix 2 tbsp of lemon juice in yoghurt as it acts a bleaching agent ,but do test it before applying on your skin.

Applying cucumber juice on your face for about 10 minutes after tanning will reduce the tan. Vitamin C in cucumber helps in improving your skin tone and naturally moisturizing your skin giving you a soothening and refreshing effect.
3.Lemon and Glycerine:
Mix lemon juice and glycerine in equal ratio and apply on your face, arms and legs daily. As glycerine has sticky effect ,to reduce it's stickiness you can add few drops of rose water ,applying overnight will give you better results. Lemon helps in lightening the skin tone and glycerine moisturizes your skin.

4.Aloe Vera :
Applying fresh aloe vera gel directly on your face for about 15minutes daily will help lightening your and smoothening your skin texture.

5.Honey and Lemon:
Mix lemon and honey in equal ratio and apply on your face ,arms and legs daily it will help in reducing skin tan. Leave it for about 10-15minutes and wash it off with cold water.
Beside these remedies, you can also follow few measures to protect your skin from tanning:
  • Always  use sunscreen of SPF of 15 or more before steepingout in sun.
             lLakme provides wide range of sun screen lotions with high skin protection.
  • Wear your old full sleeves shirt while driving, and cover your face with stroll or scraf.
  • Wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from uv rays of sun
  • Drink atlest 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Avoid heavy makeup during day time.
  • Scrub your body atleast once a week.
  • Carry skin wipes with you when stepping for long sun exposure.
 Go out and have fun girls !!Stay Healthy and Beautiful.:-)
Happy Summers!!!!!!:-*
Love Sanchi and Rupali..!!

1 comment:

  1. Thnxx for d suggestions...fels lyk nw im comfortable wid goin out in dis scrotching heat..!! Thanxx alott :-)B-)
